Hey Liana! Thank you for being our muse! For anyone who doesn’t know you – how would you describe yourself in one sentence…
Surprisingly professional.
We are so obsessed with your online style and your selfies are always flawless, but we know there is so much more to you then just a fire Instagram presence. How do you find that social media fits into your everyday life and how much does @lianadelcray represent who you are - compared to Liana Rossi as a real woman with all your talents and nuances?
Funnily enough, @lianadelcray was born from a 2014 attempt to hide my social presence from my colleagues (as well as a subtle nod to my Lord and Saviour). Now I’ve got a boss who calls me ‘Del Cray’. It’s hard for me to remember a life without social media. As soon as there was MySpace, I had a habit. My first social media job was a result of some mildly funny personal Facebook status updates I’d written. I don’t think I have the ability to draw a hard line, so I’d like to think that my existence is pretty fluid. Sometimes I bullshit on the internet and sometimes I bullshit in real life.
You seem to have developed a bit of a cult following through your style and your hilarious and brutally honest documentary of your life through Instagram stories. How does it feel to be viewed by so many through the social media lens every day and why is it important to you to keep posting?
Everything is relative. I have a lot of very talented friends with significant influence and followings. I’m a very small fish compared to them, but appear big to people who generally operate outside of those groups. It’s pretty new to feel like I have people I don’t know looking in, and I’m honestly shook that people think my life in Hobart is worth tuning in to. As to why I continue to post? Anyone who has known me IRL can attest to my chronic oversharing. I don’t really have a filter in person, so if you’ve met me, you’ll probably find my internet presence quite mundane. Also, my friends are scattered around the world so it’s the easiest way to keep them up to date with my galavanting.
We see you speaking out positively and passionately about issues affecting you on topics like women’s rights, empowerment, personal body image and self-confidence. Do you feel like having your own online platform to be able to broadcast your voice to the world is helpful for you?
This is also a pretty recent turning point but wasn’t a conscious decision. Nothing makes my eyes roll further into the back of my head than someone stating that Instagram isn’t real life, but in essence it is easy to forget. As I edge closer to 30 I’ve developed some confidence in my own voice. It’s not necessarily cathartic though. I am pretty normal in that I’m flawed and excitable I'm interested in other people and as I connect with women and read their stories, I feel like sometimes I’ve got something to contribute so in turn I can learn more.
If we imagine a world where Instagram does not exist, how would you make the same impact that you are now?
I’m flattered but I’m a human, not a brand. If the byproduct of my presence makes an impact, that’s great. Ultimately, I trust that my big mouth would be talking its way into its alternate calling.
We know social media is not only just a part of your personal life but your career too. Is it ever difficult to find the balance between your life on and offline?
'I’m not always there when you call, but I’m always online’ has been my bio forever and even my Mum will text that to me when I don’t respond to her. My friends will tell you I’ve always got my phone in my hand and a power bank in my bag. There’s no balance, but I’m ok with that.
You are extremely family oriented, how have you found it moving to another city away from everybody and what are some ways in which you have found it easier to make a new life for yourself and settle into a new home?
Prior to Tassie I’d spent the 25ish years prior living in my parents house, then an apartment. I joke that Hobart is my London because even this is too far from my Mum and Dad, which is very Australian-Italian of me. I am a bit of a hoarder so the fifty boxes I moved with definitely brought the sense of home I’d built in Sydney with me. Moving to a city where you know no one is tough. Making new friends hadn’t really been an issue for me in adulthood, as someone who has always been outgoing and mostly friendly. One thing I have learnt would be to say yes to blind friend dates. I resisted for a little but chances are the people you know mutually have introduced you for a reason and I’ve made some wonderful pals this way.
Your interests are super varied in art, fashion, music, food, wine and culture. You’ve definitely introduced us to some new favs along the way, so thank you for sharing! What are you into right now and who or what is currently inspiring you?
I’m drinking + snacking at @lucinda.wine in Hobart, eagerly watching what @sin_not will do next, enamoured with the work of my friend @amrita_moves at the Art Gallery of NSW for The National 2019 (and devo I’ve missed it IRL), listening to many talented home grown acts like @leftprojects, @iamhandsomemusic and @jesswar.
Other than continuing to be an elevated Queen, do you have any particular goals for the year ahead?
A little less conversation and a little more action. I’d like to launch a project in Hobart I’ve had kicking around in my head for some years. Paint my kitchen anything but grey and polish my floor boards.
What advice would you give to baby Liana?
Follow your gut. Literally. Don’t spend two decades fretting over a pot belly.
Thank you for always rocking our MM jewels in such stunning ways! What are your three Mountain & Moon must have pieces right now?
I’ve (digitally) known Ashton and Audrey for a few years now and didn’t take my Juliet Earrings out for almost 6 months! Naturally the Priscilla Earrings were on my hit list, too. I’ve been wearing my Ezra Hoops during the day and my Isabella Earrings by night. I need to work on my layering game and add a few dozen chains to my collection.