Introducing 'The 21st Century Indian Girl'. Biddy is so beautiful, creative, funny, smart and cool, we really want to be friends with her IRL but will have to just settle for internet girlfriends for now! If you are looking for a woman to follow who isn't doing the same old thing on Instagram as everyone else, then go no further, Biddy is our ultimate muse & a completely revitalising.
Hey Biddy, thanks for chatting to us! For those that don’t know you can you tell us who you are and what’s your sign??
I’m Biddy, Biddy on the Beat! Notorious B.I.D, just a few of the many different personalities depending on how I’m feeling. I’m a content creator and online personality in all things creative! I style, do make up, creative direct, act, emcee, all that good stuff. I put on for brown women who don’t fit the mold of society and make sure everybody knows that loud and clear.
As for my sign, I’m the bitch who is way too nice that it comes across as flirting, but trust me, I have no interest in you whatsoever. I’m an indecisive wreck, so don't ever ask me what or where I want to eat. I love hearing about the tea, might stir the pot every once in a while for my own entertainment, but at the end of the day, I want everybody to get along. I’m a Libra, duh!
We are so excited to have connected with you and to see you rocking our jewels like no other <3 The way you put together your imagery is so stunning, original and refreshing. When did you start creating your gorgeous work and what put you on this path?
Long story short, I fell into modeling through social media in 2016. I wanted to start a fashion blog that wasn’t “basic” - it wouldn’t be me eating avocado toast in a cute outfit. It was more on the path of creative storytelling through visuals. So I kind of just posted photos that were creatively directed by me here and there- which made people naturally assume that I was a model. I ran with it and started shooting with different photographers in the Los Angeles area.. got a portfolio going on Instagram within a year or so. I never took it seriously, it was kind of a side hobby that I did away from school because I HATED school. In 2018, I realized that I didn’t feel fulfilled by it. I never wanted to just be a pretty face… I wanted to be a woman with a voice, who had something to say while still being creative so I did some soul searching and here we are.
You describe yourself as a ‘21st Century Indian Girl’ and we are HERE for it! What does this mean for you and why is it important to you to infuse your culture and heritage so strongly into your work?
Thank you! Yes! I think it’s so important, I get super offended when I tell people I’m Indian and they say that I “don't look fully Indian”, like is that really a compliment to people? What does looking “fully Indian” mean exactly?— I want to give them the benefit of a doubt, because South Asian women haven’t been represented in the media enough and if we are, it’s the most stereotypical depiction ever. I stay correcting people, like nah babes, I’m not mixed with anything. I’m just a fly ass South Asian bad bitch, 100% Made in India and now I got you all flabbergasted, looking dumb that we actually exist out here. Its super important to me that WE have representation, because people really are clueless. I want to give visibility to my brown sisters in all areas of LIFE because the representation we have is outdated and quite frankly, wack.
What has really drawn us to you is your honesty and open nature online. In our opinion we need to make this more of the norm, especially in the extremely genuine way that you put yourself out there. Has it always been like this for you? And do you feel like your community of followers come to you for this authenticity?
Well thanks guys! I’ve always been super goofy and I find my confidence comes from being a free, open spirit… I know my supporters enjoy anything that I put out as long as my attitude is there because thats what makes it ‘Biddy’. I’m always super humbled by the messages I get and have noticed that one thing people always mention my energy and weirdness. Perfection is so boring. I love being me, even if it makes other people feel uncomfortable.
In your recent article for Brown Girl Magazine, you talk about identity crisis being something you will have to live with forever, that you used to see it as suffering but now as a blessing. We both completely empathise with that sentiment coming from Greek and Indian backgrounds, growing up wanting to be more typical ‘Western’ to our friends and then ultimately learning to embrace our families and cultures. As the ideals of beauty and identity in the media are changing to be far more inclusive and with social media making it easier for us to feel more connected to and accepted by one another, will the idea of a confused identity in terms of culture become a thing of the past?
I didn’t know y'all were Greek and Indian! That makes me really happy! Well, I can’t speak for other people, so I don’t know if it’ll be a thing of the past but I’m hoping people just embrace the cultures and the position they’re in by hearing other peoples stories. I think one can get extremely lonely in that state and confused, but they should know that it’s a blessing!
Do you think it will be easier for girls these days growing into womanhood to accept who they are and where they come from?
I think it can be easier, it just depends on the the person. You can be following and “idolizing” the wrong people on social media and have a completely warped perception of “perfection” and reality, or you could follow someone who you completely relate to. I wish for women to feel accepted because although we still have such a long way to go in terms of inclusivity, it’s important to pay attention to brands, television shows and other forms of media who ARE making the effort to show and portray women of all cultures, body types and sexualities. Diversity is such a CRUCIAL factor for progression.
You are a true muse to us Biddy! Thanks for the constant inspiration. Who’s your muse?
Myself, duh! I’m constantly leveling up.
We are obsessed with morning routines of women who are redefining success. Can you tell us how you get ready in the AM?
I’m gonna have to film my morning routine when I move into my new apartment! But right now, its basically me waking up on my best friend’s couch, browsing my emails and socials on my phone, getting up to brush my teeth, washing my face and maybe, making it to the 9:30 Yoga class down the street if I’m motivated… if not, you’ll probably catch me in the kitchen eating left overs from last night.
If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, all expenses paid, where would you go?
Either Maldives or Turks and Caicos. I’m obsessed with the ocean.
What’s in store for the future Biddy?
More YouTube content, Merch, Jewelry line, Skincare, a sold out world tour?! You know I got a lot of ideas up in that head!
You dripping in MM jewels is truly a match made in heaven. What’s your favourite Mountain & Moon pieces right now?
Can’t go wrong with a gold chain, so the RACHAEL necklace is EVERYTHING. I’m also the biggest sucker for hoops… so I’m eyeing all those new hoops dropping soon. Those BAMBINA earrings! I need them!