Since we live on opposite sides of the world we still haven’t had the chance to meet you beautiful. That needs to happen ASAP! In the meantime though, tell us… in essence, who is Jeanne?
This is really the hardest question to answer but I guess in essence, I am somebody who wants to flow, experience as many worlds as possible, dive into extremes, give as much as she can along the way, a little insecure at times but fearless and powerful when I know my direction.
Anyone who follows the journey of your label ZAZI VINTAGE can see all the amazing work you have done in such a short amount of time <3 How did it all begin and where do you see it going?
I think secretly Zazi Vintage has been going on all my life, whether it was making my graduation dress out of an old Ikea curtain or the many times that I travelled for days to find a specific nomadic tribe to source a special top that I saw in a dusty book ones. Last year I came across a few vintage dresses and then I gathered a lot of big ideals from my philosophy studies during an intense winter of feminism and ethics. I decided to mix both and came up with an idea that combined my beliefs of fashion, to be empowering to women on all sides of the chain, and my big hobby which is sourcing little pieces of art from around the globe.
Although it started as an idea involving micro credits and one of a kind and untouched vintage pieces, it is moving in a direction where I am creating my own collections now in collaboration with beautiful NGO’S like IPHD and the Saheli women (thanks to the amazing Audrey ;) )
I am in India right now to design my next collection which will be made out of vintage silk Ikat from Uzbekistan and Rajasthani old mirror work. I see Zazi doing this more and more in the future. Creating collections out of one of a kind fabulous and local vintage materials and working with women empowering NGO’s around the globe.
Favourite part about being the mama of your own label?
I think the answer is already a little bit in the question. It really feels like I have made a little baby with Zazi that I learn so much from, experiment with, that develops, falls, and grows. Observing this whole spectacle is the best feeling ever.
You seem to constantly be traversing the globe from Berlin to London to Rajasthan + more! Is being on the move something you crave?
Most definitely! I discovered that the moments when you leave the idea of security behind and throw yourself in the deep, anywhere in the world or any world /subculture you are not familiar with around you, you grow. For me, consciously observing myself grow during laughter, fear and tears, are the moments in life that you live for. Once you stop learning or get too comfortable you lose the magic and in the end you have to collect as many moments of magic in your live.
Any secret tips for staying happy, balanced and healthy whilst travelling?
Ah, yes! Know why you are doing it and trust your intuition. Besides that, write down every day of the journey what you are grateful for. I am the worst in documenting and writing but I have the feeling that this has been helping me and reminding me a lot of why I am travelling.
Tell us about your connection to India & why it has become an integral part of the ZAZI journey…
At the end of 2013 I threw myself in to quite the dark Berlin party world and luckily got out of it pretty fast when I decided to make a 180 and visit the Himalayas in Nepal. On one of my first days a lady in a back alley of Kathmandu told me my eyes looked like celebration but my black clothing didn’t. She dressed me in this great ‘80s bollywood top and it felt like the top gave me superpowers. I saw it as a sign to head over to India after (sounds little extreme, but in these moments my Jeannie mind always makes great links). I didn't make it to Bombay but I stayed in Varanasi for a couple of weeks and this changed everything. I learned some intense lessons on the fluidity of perspective and how to create my own reality. It probably sounds a little far fetched but random connections with strangers over vintage has always led me to great adventures. Ever since then, I have returned to India at least 2 times a year for a couple of months.